Wednesday, October 23, 2013

You Only Live Once

There is a list of things that I've been wanting to learn or accomplish and what better way to do it than make a tangible declaration.  This list will forever grow but hopefully I can look back at this and say I did every single one:

1. Learn Italian
2. Travel to Europe
3. Learn to paint (take classes)
4. Learn to sew (take some more classes)
5. Write a book
6. Take dance classes regularly
7. Place a song on the radio or have a famous artist sing a song I wrote
8. Learn to do a backflip (I used to take gymnastics and stopped right before learning this)
9. Learn another language after Italian
10. Bake a cake
11. Interview people who inspire me and document their words of wisdom
12. Buy a nice camera and learn to keep a photo journal
13. Visit an Ashram
14. Visit one new place a year
15. Spend a week in a cabin in the middle of a forrest with no phone or connection to the outside world
16. Go through the temple and regularly do sessions
17. Learn how develop my peacemaking spirit
18. Be a part of a movement or organization I'm passionate about
19. Contribute to a column or online newspaper
20. Take a class on the constitution

What are some things on your list?


  1. Ooh I want to do this now! I need to think about it though... #15 is my favorite - I dream about doing that too!

  2. Awesome :) I'd love to see what you come up with
