Monday, November 4, 2013

Inspiration from Wishes and Sim City

This past weekend was great to say the least.  I volunteer with Make A Wish Foundation and was privileged to be a part of my first wish reveal.  For those not familiar, as a wish granter it is our job to meet children with life threatening illnesses at their homes and figure out what their ultimate wish is. Once a wish has been approved, it's our job to then to let the child know by creating some sort of surprise.  For privacy reasons, I am unable to give more details than that but it was such a blessing and wonderful experience.  Nothing can compare to seeing pure joy on a child's face.

The rest of my weekend was spent having much needed relaxation.  My boyfriend introduced me to the newest version of Sim City last night and we ended up playing it together for 4 hours and I was shocked at how fun it was!  I'm a constant seeker of inspiration and who knew it could be found in this game.  The goal is to build a functioning city with profits, happy citizens, and businesses.  You start out very small and eventually it grows and grows.  You begin to make money, build new governmental establishments, and lure more citizens into your city.  The catch is you only get to make the roads and "zone" which areas are residential, commercial, or industrial.  After that point you have no control as to how many people or what kinds of businesses come in.  You have to constantly be diligent, flexible, and aware of what's affecting the bigger picture.  Are there enough taxpayers? Adequate fire and policemen?  Are people happy?

You can look at your life goals the same way by having a bigger picture, starting small, then adjusting as you go along orchestrating how you achieve your goal.  The fact that the game only allows you to zone where things should be and after that it's out of your control is analogous too.  We can "zone" what we'd like to happen in certain areas of our life but can never control what actually happens or "develops" just like the game.  A huge component is the happiness factor of the people who inhabit the city.  If they're happy you see bright green smileys on the screen and red upset ones if they're dissatisfied.  This inspired me to re-evaluate my life goals and how I envision the future.  Am I being as diligent in my own life and checking my happiness scale as in the game?  Although I can't control ultimately how my life unfolds am I doing my best to control what I can?  We're all the owners of our own unique internal "cities" and deserve to treat it with as much care, diligence, and awareness.